

Peng, Cheng-Hau

■ 學經歷

【學 歷】國立臺灣大學經濟所博士 (2008)

               國立臺灣大學經濟所碩士 (1999)

               中原大學國際貿易系學士 (1997)

現 職】輔仁大學經濟系學術特聘教授兼社會科學院院長(2020/08~迄今)



經 歷台灣經濟學會常務理事(2022~2023)







■ 教授科目及專長



  1. 張瑞雲、彭正浩 (2024), "廠商勾結對技術授權與消費者福利的影響." Taiwan Economic Review, Forthcoming. (Accepted). (TSSCI).
  2. Po-Yuan Hsiao, K. L. Glen Ueng, Cheng-Hau Peng, Horn-In Kuo (2024), "Comparing ad valorem and specific taxes with corporate social responsibility." Journal of Public Economic Theory, 26(3), e12690. (SSCI). 
  3. Chi-Yi Hsu, Hong Hwang, Yan-Shu Lin, and Cheng-Hau Peng (2023), "Trade Policies and FDI with an Endogenous Market Structure." BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 23, 423-442. (SSCI)
  4. Chen-Hau Peng, Hong Hwang, and Kuo-Feng Kao (2023), "Is Price Undertaking a More Friendly Protection Policy Than an Anti-dumping Duty?" The World Economy, 46, 120-134. (SSCI)
  5. Ray-Yun Chang, Hong Hwang and Cheng-Hau Peng (2023), "Competition, Partial Privatization and Welfare: A General Analysis," Taiwan Economic Review, 51, 1-14. (TSSCI)
  6. Horn-In Kuo, Cheng-Hau Peng and Glen K. L. Ueng (2021), "On the Neutrality of Profit Taxation in a Mixed Oligopoly," Journal of Public Economic Theory, 23, 1012-1021. (SSCI)
  7. Cheng-Tai Wu, Cheng-Hau Peng and Tsung-Sheng Tsai (2021), "Signaling in Technology Licensing with a Downstream Oligopoly," Review of Industrial Organization, 58, 531-559. (SSCI).
  8. Ray-Yun Chang, Hong Hwang and Cheng-Hau Peng (2020), "Product Licensing with Multiple Products," Taiwan Economic Review, 48, 547-572. (TSSCI)
  9. Ray-Yun Chang, Hong Hwang and Cheng-Hau Peng (2020), "Antidumping Protection and Welfare in a Differentiated Duopoly," Japanese Economic Review, 71, 421-446. (SSCI).
  10. Pei-Cyuan Shih, Hong Hwang and Cheng-Hau Peng (2019), "Parallel Trade with an Endogenous Market Structure," The World Economy, 42 (4) 1224-1233. (SSCI).
  11. Hong Hwang, Yi-Shan Hsueh, Cheng-Hau Peng (2018)," Trade Liberalization and Product R&D in a Differentiated Duopoly," International Review of Economics and Finance, 56, 34-38. (SSCI).
  12. Chi-Yi Hsu, Ray-Yun Chang, Chane-Hau Peng (2018)," Quality Licensing in a Vertically Differentiated Oligopoly," Taiwan Economic Review, 46, 181-224. (TSSCI)
  13. Kuo-Feng Kao, Cheng-Hau Peng (2017)," Trade Liberalization, Forward-looking Firms and Welfare," Review of International Economics, 25, 5, 999-1016.
  14. Ray-Yun Chang, Hong Hwang and Cheng-Hau Peng (2017), "Competition, Product Innovation and Licensing," BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 17. (SSCI)
  15. Hong Hwang, Suguta Marjit, Cheng-Hau Peng (2016), "Trade Liberalization, Technology Transfer, and Endogenous R&D," Oxford Economic Papers, 68, 1107-1119. (SSCI)
  16. Kuo-Feng Kao, Cheng-Hau Peng (2016), "Profit Improving via Strategic Technology Sharing," BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 16, 1321-1336.(SSCI)
  17. Ray-Yun Chang, Hong Hwang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2016), "Discriminatory vs. Uniform Tariffs with International Technology Licensing," Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 23, 268-277. (SSCI)
  18. Ping-Sing Kuo, Yan-Shu Lin, Cheng-Hau Peng (2016), "International Technology Transfer and Welfare," Review of Development Economics, 20, 114-127. (SSCI)
  19. Kuo-Feng Kao, Cheng-Hau Peng (2016), "Anti-dumping Protection, Price Undertaking and Product Innovation," International Review of Economics and Finance, 41, 53-64. (SSCI)
  20. Hong Hwang, Pin-Cheng Huang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2014), "Welfare Effects of Tariffication on Parallel Trade," Taiwan Economic Review, 42, 453-473. (TSSCI)
  21. Hong Hwang, Cheng-Hau Peng, Pei-Cyuan Shih (2014), "Parallel Imports, Product Innovation and Market Structures," International Review of Economics and Finance, 34, 237-245. (SSCI)
  22. Ray-Yun Chang, Hong Hwang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2013), "Licensing in Multiple Markets," Academia Economic Papers, 41, 597-613. (TSSCI)
  23. Ray-Yun Chang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2013), "Cost Asymmetry and Product Licensing," Asian-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 20, 280-290. (SSCI)
  24. Hong Hwang, Cheng-Hau Peng, Show-Ling Wu (2013), "Tariffication and Welfare in a Differentiated Duopoly," The World Economy, 39, 899-911. (SSCI)
  25. Ray-Yun Chang, Hong Hwang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2013), "Technology Licensing, R&D and Welfare," Economics Letters, 118, 396-399. (SSCI)
  26. Kuo-Feng Kao, Cheng-Hau Peng (2012), "Production Efficiency, Input Price Discrimination and Social Welfare," Asian Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 19, 227-237.(SSCI)
  27. Chin-Sheng Cheng, Hong Hwang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2011), "Welfare, Output Allocation and Price Discrimination in Input Markets," Academia Economic Papers, 39, 535-560. (TSSCI)
  28. Hong-Hwang, Kuo-Feng Kao, Cheng-Hau Peng (2011), " Tariff and Quota Equivalence in Vertically Related Markets," Review of Development Economics, 15, 19-32. (SSCI)
  29. Hong Hwang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2009), "The Effective Rate of Protection and FDI," Academia Economic Papers, 37, 525-555. (TSSCI)
  30. 高國峰,彭正浩 (2009),〈最適平行輸入政策〉,《經濟論文叢刊》,37, 111-133. (TSSCI)
  31. Cheng-Hau Peng, Hong Hwang (2008), "Antidumping, Price Undertaking and FDI," Taiwan Economic Review, 36, 463-481. (TSSCI)
  32. Show-Ling Jang, Cheng-Hau Peng (2000), "Market Structure and Performance in Taiwan Banking Industry," Advances in Pacific Basin Business, Economics and Finance, 4, 205-217.

■ 研討會論文

  1. 彭正浩, "On the Neutrality of Profit Taxation in a Mixed Oligopoly", Western Economic Association International 93rd Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 2018.06.29.
  2. 彭正浩, "Trade Liberalization and Product Innovation in a Differentiated Duopoly", Western Economic Association International 92nd Annual Conference, San Diego, USA. 2017.06.27.
  3. 彭正浩, "Optimal Technology Export Control", Asian Pacific Trade Seminar, Taipei, Taiwan. 2016.06.28.
  4. 彭正浩, "On the Welfare and Protection Effects of Antidumping Policies", 2015臺灣經濟學會年會, 臺灣, 台北, 2015.12.12.
  5. 彭正浩, "Parallel Trade with Endogenous Market Structure", 2015臺灣經濟學會年會,臺灣, 台北, 2015.12.12.
  6. 彭正浩, "Signaling in Technology Licensing", 2015臺灣經濟學會年會, 臺灣, 台北, 2015.12.12.
  7. 彭正浩, "R&D Organization, Technology Upgrading and Welfare", The 90th WEAI conference, USA, Hawaii, 2015.06.28.
  8. 彭正浩, "Comparing Bertrand and Cournot Competition with Product Innovation and Licensing", International Economics and Finance Society (IEFS)-Taiwan Chapter and Dong Hwa University 2014 Joint Workshop, Taiwan, Hualien, 2014.09.19.
  9. 彭正浩, "Technology Licensing in a Vertically differentiated Oligopoly", WEAI 89th annual conference, USA, Denver, 2014.06.27.
  10. 彭正浩, "Parallel imports, product innovation and market structures", The IREF Workshop on Trade, Resources and Growth, Taiwan, Taipei, 2014.05.22 .
  11. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, 黃品錚, 2013臺灣經濟學會年會, 臺灣, 2013.12.14.
  12. 彭正浩, "Trade liberalization, technology transfer and endogenous R&D", European Trade Study Group 15th Annual Conference, UK, 2013.09.12
  13. 彭正浩, 黃品錚, "Tariffication, Parallel Imports and R&D", Asia-pacific Trade Seminar,中國, 南京, 2013.06.27.
  14. 彭正浩, 許至乙, "Product Licensing in a Vertically Differentiated Oligopoly", Workshop on IO and Trade, 日本,神戶, 2013.05.28.
  15. 彭正浩, 張瑞雲, "Comparing Bertrand and Cournot Equilibriua with Technology Transfer", 網路與貿易研討會, 臺灣, 台北, 2013.04.20.
  16. 彭正浩, 張瑞雲, "Cost Asymmetry and Product Licensing", 日本, 東京, 2013.03.13
  17. 彭正浩, 張瑞雲, "Licensing in Multiple Markets", 2012台灣經濟學會年會, 臺灣,中壢,2012.12.15.
  18. 彭正浩, 張瑞雲, "Comparing Bertrand and Cournot Equilibriua with Technology Transfer", 臺灣, 中壢, 2012.12.15.
  19. 彭正浩, "Trade liberalization, technology transfer and endogenous R&D", 臺灣, 花蓮, 2012.09.07.
  20. 彭正浩, "中間財的反傾銷政策",美國西部經濟學研討會,美國,舊金山,2012.06.29.
  21. 彭正浩, "Antidumping policies in intermediate goods markets", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2011年聯合年會,臺灣,台北,2011.12.17.
  22. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, 張瑞雲, "Quality, licensing and welfare", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2011年聯合年會, 臺灣, 台北, 2011.12.17.
  23. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, "反傾銷政策與技術授權", 健全發展系列學術研討會:國際貿易與產業經濟, 臺灣, 花蓮, 2011.09.16.
  24. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, "反傾銷與技術授權", The 10th Annual Conference of European Trade Study Group , 丹麥, 哥本哈根, 2011.09.08.
  25. 彭正浩, 張瑞雲, 黃鴻, "Strategic R&D with Technology Transfer and Welfare", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2010年聯合年會, 臺灣, 台北, 2010.12.18.
  26. 彭正浩, 徐靖, "Antidumping Policy and Labor Union", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2010年聯合年會, 臺灣, 台北, 2010.12.18.
  27. 彭正浩, 陳金盛, 黃鴻, "Welfare, Output Allocation and Price Discrimination in Input Markets", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2010年聯合年會, 臺灣, 台北, 2010.12.18
  28. 彭正浩, "反傾銷與技術授權",第85屆西部經濟學會國際學術年會, 美國, 波特蘭, 2010.06.29.
  29. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, 高國峯, "垂直相關產業之關稅配額均等", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2009年聯合年會, 臺灣, 台北, 2009.12.19.
  30. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, 余肇熊, "垂直相關產業之關稅化與其福利效果", 香港, 2009.12.14.
  31. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, "有效保護率與外人直接投資",2009貿易、產業與區域經濟國際學術研討會, 臺灣, 台北, 2009.03.13.
  32. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, "有效保護率與外人直接投資", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2008年聯合年會, 臺灣, 台北市, 2008.12.20.
  33. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, "有效保護率與外人直接投資", 第七屆日本經濟政策學會國際學術研討會, 日本, 京都, 2008.12.06.
  34. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, "反傾銷、價格具結與外人直接投資", 台灣經濟學會與北美華人經濟學會2007年聯合年會, 臺灣, 台北市, 2007.12.22.
  35. 彭正浩, 黃鴻, "反傾銷、價格具結與外人直接投資", 第六屆日本經濟政策學會國際學術研討會, 日本, 東京, 2007.12.08.
  36. 彭正浩, 高國峰, "最適平行輸入政策", 台灣大學「國際貿易學術研討會」, 臺灣, 台北市, 2007.06.30.
  37. 彭正浩, 鄭秀玲, "台灣銀行業之市場結構與績效", 臺灣, 台北市, 1999.01.12.

■ 科技部/國科會/教育部計畫






























補助學者提昇國際影響力試辦方案 (拋光計畫)















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